How Much Does it (Really) Cost?

Post by Ideaspark Interiors published in the PDXPRO Journal



Thanks to HGTV, there has been a proliferation of home design programs showing viewers how to achieve the living spaces of their dreams.  There are many great things about this network; it's increased awareness around how one's space can impact livability, it has shown us tips and tricks like hanging art, and it has elevated the careers of interior designers, including my own.

In the negative column, however, is the fact that consumers are being mislead.  Oftentimes, these shows will take an empty room and completely overhaul it at the cost of $10K, $5K and even $2K.  As a consequence, viewers' reality of what it takes to redesign a space is severely distorted.  It's no wonder many of my clients are shocked when they hear how much I think it will take to get their ideal master bedroom.  

To help educate my clients (and the general public), I have created this infographic which highlights the retail costs of the most frequently purchased furnishings.  You can absolutely get items for less -- and you can absolutely pay more -- but these are real figures based on my experience in the field.

I hope you find it helpful.

How much does it cost infographic by Ideaspark Interiors Portland, OR