How to Plan a Remodeling Project? Step by Step Instructions

Step by step instructions preparing for a remodeling project infographic by Divine Hardwood & Stone 

A remodeling project is either a very exciting time or a big headache, most often a combination of both. Before you kick off the project or even begin thinking of looking for or calling a contractor you need a clear direction. Sitting down and creating a plan for a large or small home improvement project is the most crucial step and may save you from some costly mistakes in the future as well as numerous headaches. 

The first step that any homeowner beginning a project must take is determine what they want… Simply setting an end goal will help you know what you’re aiming at accomplishing. 

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible” - Tony Robbins


How do you Set a Goal?

We recommend the nice old classic approach: write it out and draw a picture. This is one of the most effective ways to visualize your goal and to ensure that you accomplish it. The classic pen and paper approach is ideal for a home improvement project large or small. 

Sit down and spend some time writing at least a paragraph explaining what you want to create. Answer basic questions such as: what are you changing, what’s staying the same, what colors do you want to use, what look do you want, and more. Everything that’s going on in your head put on paper. Next draw it out. Yes, you are not an artist but you can create a visual diagram of the area. Label all the key components with as much detail as you can. 

Drawing plans for remodeling project by Divine Hardwood & Stone

Why is this Important? 

Every homeowner we have ever helped guide through a home improvement project goes into the process thinking and planning one thing but comes out the other end with a completely different result. The constant pressure and suggestions coming in from all sides causes a swamp of ideas that over time entirely changes original ideas and goals. Not necessarily a negative thing, but having your project written out and in visual form allows you to stay in control. Whenever an opportunity arrises you can compare it to your original idea before making a rash decision to adopt it. 


Do all of the Preliminary Work…

Take measurements of everything that will be important for your project and document in an easy to access place. Room dimensions, countertop dimensions, window sizes, paint color, trim type or size, current materials, etc. Keep it organized, you never know when you’ll need it. It’s much easier measuring and documenting everything from the get go rather than having to go in and measure after beginning the project…

Which brings up the next point; take pictures of the area before you begin moving anything or do any work. Not only will it be a great reminder for you after you complete the project, it will be a great reference point for when you begin hiring contractors and go to purchase product. Having an abundance of images will make the process of finding and matching material more simple and convenient for you and the sales associate helping you. 

Step by step instructions, preparing for a remodeling project by Divine Hardwood & Stone

Create a Detailed Budget

After creating a list and diagram of your proposed project spend time researching the cost of each item. Google both product cost and installation costs, write down the cost range for each as reference. Determine the maximum amount of money you are willing to spend on this project outright and match all of your product selections strictly to it. This will require discipline. 

Research your Contractors

Now that you know what you are looking for as well as what your budget is, spend some time researching all of the contractors that fit your description… Find out how many you will need, and determine which parts of the project you will be doing yourself. Carefully read previous customer reviews of each contractor and view images of their completed work. 

Set a Timeline

Be realistic, estimate how much time each aspect of the project will require. You can find this out when you do all of your preliminary research. Write out a timeline with approximate start and end dates of each project and work out this timeline to finer details once you begin working with each contractor to ensure that no-one gets any surprises down the road. 

Now you need to answer these questions: 

1. Who will be doing the work and how many contractors is it going to require? 

2. Will the plumbing, electrical work, flooring, etc be affected? 

If so it is important to know what exactly will be affected and have a licensed plumber and electric to help you out. Make sure to find out if you will need to get any permits before you begin doing any work.

3. Will this affect your homeowners insurance? 

Stop by your insurance agency and ask your agent if this remodeling project will affect your insurance and wether or not any necessary changes are required. 

4. How will this affect you?

You have your budget, a timeline, and all the necessary information ready. All that’s left is to go and get started. Before you do answer this: how will this affect me and my family? 

A few questions to ask yourself: Where will you be staying during this project? Will you need to take anything into account to work around the mess? Will this mean you don’t have a kitchen for a few weeks? Bathroom? How will your pets and children take this? How are you going to keep your pets and children out of the work area? 

Request Bids from Contractors

Finally, take that list of contractors you found earlier and narrow it down to the best few. Now you can contact them and schedule a formal meeting to request a bid and talk over the details of your project. Don’t go with the lowest bid, rather go with the contractor you are most comfortable working with and are confident in. Don’t forget to make sure your contractor is licensed and ensured before you hire him, for more tips on hiring a contractor read our recent blog post: How to Hire a Contractor? 


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